Small Groups

We want everyone at MTC to have a community that follows Jesus together outside of Sundays.
Take a look below to get more information on how to get connected into a small group.

Small Groups at MTC

Our hope and desire is that everyone at MTC finds others to share life with in community. We feel that Small Groups can be an incredibly helpful way to do this. We define a Small Group as a community that is growing closer to Jesus, growing closer to each other, and sharing the love/message of Jesus with the world around them. There is no 'one size fits all' when it comes to small groups at MTC. Our groups are different sizes, have unique schedules, and meet in various locations in SE Calgary.

Please explore our group options below.

Find a Group
Looking to connect with others at MTC & join a Group?
This coming Fall we will have many opportunities for you to join an existing group or be a part of a new group.

Check out how to get connected here!