We are having a MTC Nights Potluck on Feb. 23rd at 4pm.
Come eat, build community, and then worship together!
This is an appetizer themed potluck. Bring brinks, a dessert, or an appetizer to share.
Please RSVP to help us with setup logistics.
We can't wait to share a meal with you!

MTC Nights Info

We exist to lead people into a life changing relationship with Jesus.
MTC Nights is an evening campus that meets on Sundays at 6pm. MTC Nights is a casual & relaxed gathering. We worship together, hear the same message from the Sunday AM Service, and make space to build relationships. Gather with us to grow closer to Jesus and build deeper community. Any age or background are welcome to join!

Our Espresso Cart will be serving lattes for purchase & we have weekly snacks. Come make new friends!
Children’s Ministry will be offered for Toddlers - Grade 4 & our Family Room will be open. Kids will join for our first worship set and our services will have a break for kids to head to their programs.
This Campus will be led & hosted by Pastor Trevor (Bio on the Meet the Team Page).

Get Connected

Join the MTC Nights Team

 Serve within an area of your passion and gifting.
This can include: Music, Tech, Welcome, Barista, Kids Min, etc.
Sign Up on The Form Below.

Connect Outside of MTC Nights

Can't commit to serving, but attend MTC Nights?
 Fill out this Connect Card so that we can get to know you better and keep in the loop with all the MTC Nights happenings. We have small group opportunities, regular MTC Nights potlucks, and other ways to make friends.

Want to Meet? 

Email Pastor Trevor at to setup a time to connect!


Fill out this form to join the team and to get in contact with pastor Trevor!